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Outage Restoration Approach

When power outages occur, Versant Power works to restore power safely and as quickly as possible. Our customers are our priority. When a major outage happens, rest assured that Versant Power employees will work to restore power day and night until all power is restored.

Our restoration approach is designed to restore power to the largest number of customers first.

Note: Versant Power does not clean up debris related to storm restoration efforts. 

Damage_Assessment_Image Versant Power begins the damage assessment and restoration process as soon as the first outage is reported.
Transmission_Lines_Image Should severe weather cause damage to the transmission system, Versant Power repairs that equipment first. No other power can be restored until the main lines feeding power to customers are repaired. We start with transmission lines that serve thousands of customers.
Sustation_Image Next, we repair damage to substation equipment that feeds the distribution lines to customer homes and businesses.
Public_Safety_Image Priority is given to reported hazards such as downed power lines, 9-1-1 agency calls, and emergency facilities such as fire departments, police stations, hospitals, and media outlets.
Urban_Area_Image Smaller capacity lines serving groups of homes and businesses are repaired next.
Rural_Area_Image Individual service lines are the next to be repaired. These are often remote areas that are more difficult to reach.